Friday, February 1, 2008

Early Work

I recently learned how to scan pictures into the computer (I'm not sure if my old college roomates are too happy about this) and in looking through all the old boxes of photos ran across this one of my "early work".

I used to crochet a lot.

I remember the penguin was very popular around Christmas with a red or green hat, and the Easter egg had a little chick that popped out. My Mom's "Woman's Day" and "Family Circle" magazines usually had some crochet pattern in that sent me running to the 5 and 10 cent store for more Red Heart acrylic yarn. And thank goodness for that indestructible acrylic yarn, because some of those critters have come home to roost. About a year ago a friend of the family presented me with the 3 mice that I made when his first child was born. I made them when I was in about 6th grade and I have to say I was pretty impressed with the old 6th grade me.

Of course if you don't have any dates or play any sports you might as well take up crocheting.

1 comment:

Marybateman said...

I can't believe you made those in 6th grade, I couldn't make those now. I'm glad you have so many creative outlets!!! Who needs dating anyway!!