Monday, January 28, 2008

My Elaine Moment

I took this past weekend off from sewing to finish photographing all my purses and finally get my ETSY shop off the ground. It took me all weekend of puttsing around, rephotographing everything twice, picking fuzz off purses and generally primping them for their big photo shoot. The results are getting better as I learn all the settings on my new camera and different lighting situations. Here is a picture of the behind the scenes action as Eric flitted in and out and under the table as I was working.
Then came the time to write the descriptions of everything and I felt a little stumped. Of course I want them all to sound really good, but I felt a little self conscious about selling them too much. So I started out simply describing them in a very straight forward way, but before I knew it I felt like Elaine from Seinfeld when she was working for the J Peterman catalog! So when you read a purse description and it includes a dusty road down a sun drenched path or a moonlight reflection of "her" eyes. Feel free to smack me. I just got a little carried away.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hi - Did you know your bag is FEATURED on the front page of Etsy tonight? All those retakes were worth it! I came over to your blog because of your funny comment about "frittering away a few more minutes" - I had to look. Then I almost spit food out of my mouth I laughed so hard when I saw your top caption about what your Dad said and your photo to go with it. Hysterical!