Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Frequently Imagined Questions (FIQ)

Well, since no one has asked me a question yet, I came up with a list of my own.

How long have you been sewing?
I was born holding a potholder, it seems I made it in utero.
What is felting?
Felting is a fancy way of saying shrinking, we've all done it at some time or another. But ALERT! Leave this to the professionals or you may find your washing machine drain plugged up with felt goo. (See previous post)
Do you have any silly names for your children?
Yes, I'm glad you asked! The list includes: snickerdoodle, wiggly pie, wiggeldy pie pup, crazy bumpkin, snickersnacker, doodlesquat, well you get the idea. Mostly anything with pie or oodle.
How do you do it all?
Do what?

If these are too obnoxious for you, ask me a question!


Marybateman said...

Question. Does Eric have crazy bumpkin written on the back of his neck? Also, if you could give any advice to an aspiring artist, what would that be?

Kim said...

I LOVE the Valentine's bags in the Flicker column! Wow.