Doesn't everyone who has school age kids have a table full of cupcakes and teacher presents this time of year?
I found this idea for reindeer cupcakes last year on the Martha Stewart website, they were all so cute and perfect with their little pretzel antlers. Mine didn't look so perfect, but the kids loved the anyways. At the second party I attended yesterday they were even preferred over the storebought ones with fluffly little dollops of icing and sprinkles.
I did have a panic moment when the store was all out of white pipecleaners for our snowflake project and I thought, "what do we get ourselves into this time year?" But I found a pack someone had stashed on the next aisle, so all is well.
And now with the school parties over, let's officially bring on Christmas!
Mmmm, those pretzels look so yummy. Were they good?
oh yes, the kids loved them!
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