Friday, June 6, 2008


Things have really been blooming in the studio lately.
These new chokers will be at ICE this weekend. It should be a great show, I wish I could be there, but alas my Paella pan calls my name. For the third year in a row, I'll be cooking Paella for SSC at Island 42.


Kim said...

Please tell Karen to make the banner photo smaller. It's a little too crazy. It was funny the way it was before, off to the side. I don't know her blog password (yet) so I can't do it.

I LOVE the yellow background though. The banner photo was slow to load so the whole banner was initially yellow and that looked cool (and not at all scary). Then the big scare came when the photo did load.

It's OK, I'm better now.

(Gee, I wonder if Karen will delete this comment as soon as she gets back from the big bake-off, the thought of which is making me hungry. Yes, that might be a good idea.)

Marybateman said...

Well Kim, I'm afraid to say, I kind-of like it. I'm not a graphic designer or anything close to it, but it really says "Karen" to me. If you can't be yourself then what's the point!

FYI - the Paella was fabulous!