Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day?

We've all been inundated with hearts in pink and red and cupids and roses and after awhile it can be a little well, tiresome. Yesterday while listening to the radio I heard two commercials in a row. The first one telling me to forget about cooking on Valentines Day and to go out to eat with my loved one. To let someone else do the work and pamper you and your honey. The next ad was for a grocery store telling me there was nothing more special than staying in on Valentines Day and cooking for your honey so you could have that special alone time in the most intimate setting, your home. (Obviously written by someone without kids!) It's hard not to be cynical with everyone throwing their angle at you about how you should feel and what you should buy on February 14.

Despite it all, I'm still feeling good on this Valentines Day in 2009. Still fresh from the turn of the new year and some small successes that keep me plodding forward I thought I would spell it all out for you here in Red and White.

R eally apprecaitive for what I have
E ager to meet new challenges
D etermined to get better and better at what I do

A rdent about my craft
N ever bored
D iligent about details

W illing to adapt
H appy to be self employed
I nterested to see what is next
T hrifty and loving it!
E xcited about the possibilities

Whether you stay in, go out, celebrate with your honey or your kids or your Mom and Dad, have a Happy Valentines Day in black and white or pink and red or technicolor. As usual, it is just what you make of it.

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