Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm In A Rush To Be Bloggy

It's hard to believe, but at the end of this month my blog will turn 1 year old. Since my blog is high maintenance, it has requested a certain kind of cake and ice cream, I will comply.
But in the meantime I've realized that I haven't done very many bloggy things. I haven't shared a recipe (essential for a proper blog), I haven't made a tutorial and I haven't had a give away.
More about the give away in the next post, but for right now I thought I would take care of the recipe thing.

This is a copy of my Mom's recipe for granola. It is SO wonderful. It tastes delicious and it will keep you full! If you eat this in the morning, you will barely be hungry for lunch. (A good thing) It is also super easy to make.
For the past couple of years she would always give me a little baggy full of granola when I left her house but then it occured to me, I could make this myself! Now I have as much granola as I like. I even Pimped the recipe to my taste using dried cherries instead of apricots. Yummmmmmm.......
Oh, and the best part is the smell while the granola is toasting. It is absolutely heavenly. Try it.
More about the give away in the next post. First you must make your granola.


Anonymous said...

If you really want to pimp the recipe, use dried blueberries, but wait til you make a really big sale--they're about $20 a pound at Earth Fare.

Kim said...

I gave my blog jewelry for it's one year. How impersonal of me. Handmade would have been so much more appropriate.